Nurkkala Guitars, Kitaranrakentaja Heikki Nurkkala.

Kitaranrakentaja Heikki nurkkala

Sointia ja estetiikkaa – klassisia kitaroita perinteisellä käsityöllä

No 16. Klassinen kitara

Immerse yourself in a captivating display of art at our newly introduced gallery. Witness a stunning collection of classic and contemporary masterpieces, meticulously crafted to intrigue and inspire.

No 17. Klassinen Kitara

Experience exquisite fine dining at our newly opened restaurant. Enjoy a delicious menu of classic and modern dishes, prepared with the freshest ingredients.

Nurkkala Guitars Sypressi/Alppikuusi Torres klassinen kitara. Otto Tolonen, Capricho Arabe, Francisco Tarrega


My experience at the restaurant was great. The food was delicious, the service was excellent, and the atmosphere was cozy and inviting. Highly recommend this restaurant.

Alice Smith


ACME Company